Angry German Kid Wiki
Angry German Kid Wiki

AGKFrenchSeries (AKM) is an Angry German Kid parodist who makes AGK and AKM videos.


"I live in Paris with my mother until I can live elsewhere in order to have a better life. But with all these issues that I'm having so far I'm stuck.. I work in a grocery store (looks like "Publix" or "Target" in USA) 5 days out 7 Generally speaking, I started the videos in 2008 on the theme of video games, fun fact, my very first AGK video dates from January 9, 2011 : "Angry German Kid goes on YouTube" But this video has been private for its very low quality and deadly boredom reasons. Of course, other better quality videos are circulating to another alternative YouTube account. The reason for making AGK videos is to revive an old meme from over 15 years ago and make better parodies so far. I used to do little AGK parodies which were minimalist but effective. When I met xAgk on Discord, he had helped me a lot to promote my content and I thank him very much, and joining the AKM allowed me to have more friends. I would like to meet these people so that I can get to know them well (But the coronavirus says : "NO." Seriously -_- ...) Also I translate my AGK Episodes into French and then into English and attract French and English people, But I'm not a great translator I guess.."

He is the 27th member of the AKM Family.


Leopold Slikk[]

A funny meme, and adventurer

Harold Slikk[]

Bitter Hateful Dad

Mary Slikk[]

Sweet Loving mom

Leonard Slikk[]

Lazy and a gamer

Leonidas Slikk[]


Episodes and AKM videos[]

# Title Uploaded Watch
1 AGKFrenchSeries Episode 1 : L'allemand fou joue à Wario World Nov 22, 2019
2 AGKFrenchSeries Episode 2 : La carte graphique qui vaut 10 000€ Dec 7, 2019
3 AGKFrenchSeries - Episode 3 : Le Noël 2019 de Leopold Dec 25, 2019
4 AGKFrenchSeries Episode 4 - Leopold va à l'école Jan 11, 2020
5 AGKFrenchSeries Episode 5 - Leopold se tape le Quiz Stupide Jan 23, 2020
6 AGKFrenchSeries Episode 6 - Leopold rencontre le Professeur Toothy Feb 6, 2020
7 AGKFrenchSeries Episode 7 Leonidas travaille à Leonidas Apr 20, 2020
8 AGKFrenchSeries Episode 8 : Leopold VS Panthère Rose Jun 21, 2020
AKM AGK goes to meme island [AKM] Sep 3, 2020
9 AGKFrenchSeries Episode 9 - Le Halloween 2020 de Leopold Oct 31, 2020
10 AGKFrenchSeries Episode 10 - Le Noël 2020 de Leopold Dec 25, 2020



  • He's the first French Parodist to join the AKM