Angry German Kid Universe is a AGK parodist who joined the by. community released by 2020.
Slikk Family[]
- Leopold Slikk - A main protagonist.
- Harold Slikk - Leopold's father.
- Mary Slikk - Leopold's mother.
- Leonard Slikk - Leopold's younger brother.
- Leonidas Slikk - Leopold's older brother.
- Sean Slikk - Leonidas's older brother.
- Leorich Slikk - Leopold's youngest brother.
- Chilly Slikk - Leopold's russian brother.
- Dame Slikk - Leopold's younger sister.
- Herald Slikk - Leopold's Abusive uncle.
- Barry Slikk - Leopold's grandfather.
- Gerald Slikk - Leopold's uncle.
- Hermann Slikk - Leopold's great-grandfather.
- Jeffery Slikk - Leopold's grand-uncle.
Randolf Family[]
- Jake Randolf - Leopold's best friend.
- Jakub Randolf - Jake's father and Harold's best friend.
- Danny Randolf - Jake's younger brother and Leonard's best friend.
- Stan Randolf - Jake's older brother and Leonidas's best friend.
- Emilie Randolf - Jake's younger sister and Dame's best friend.
- William Randolf - Jake's oldest brother and Sean's best friend.
Ramirez Family[]
- Ronald Ramirez - Leopold's friend.
- Don Ramirez - Ronald's father and Harold's friend.
- Rodney Ramirez - Ronald's younger brother and Leonard's friend.
- Ronidas Ramirez - Ronald's older brother and Leonidas's friend.
- James Ramirez - Ronald's grandfather and Barry's friend.
Otoko Family[]
- Kaeru Otoko - Leopold's friend.
- Akuma Otoko - Kaeru's father and Harold's friend.
- Akako Otoko - Kaeru's mother and Mary's friend.
- Raseu Otoko - Kaeru's younger brother and Leonard's friend.
Sims Family[]
- Eric R. Sims - Leopold's anti-friend.
- Hermann Sims - Eric's father and Harold's anti-friend.
France Family[]
- Dimitri France - Leopold's online enemy.
- Davy France - Dimitri's father and Harold's online enemy.
- Denis France - Dimitri's younger brother and Leonard's online enemy.
Kaczynski Family[]
- Stefan Kaczynski - Leopold's anti-rivalfriend.
- Aleksander Kaczynski - Stefan's father and Harold's anti-rivalfriend.
Fokin Family[]
- Sasha Fokin - A Crazy Russian kid and Leopold's good friend.
- Igor Fokin - Sasha's younger brother and Leonard's good friend.
- Misha the Heavy weapons guy - Sasha's father and Harold's good friend.
- Diana Fokin - Sasha's mother and Mary's good friend.
Neinatterson Family[]
- Kervin A. Neinatterson - Leopold's anti-hero friend.
- Ioan Neinatterson - Kervin's father and Harold's anti-hero friend.
- Bob Neinatterson - Kervin's younger brother and Leonard's anti-hero friend.
Harles Family[]
- Geoff Harles - Also known Angry Spanish Kid, Leopold's antifriend.
- Billy Harles - Geoff's father and Harold's antifriend.
Saders Family[]
- Daniel Saders - Also known Angry Florida Kid, Leopold's battlefriend.
- Tom Saders - Daniel's father and Harold's battlefriend.
- Jan Saders - Daniel's younger brother and Leonard's battlefriend.
Jerome Family[]
- Andrei Jerome - Also known Angry Russian Kid, Leopold's versusfriend.
- Gethin Jerome - Andrei's father and Harold's versusfriend.
Tong Family[]
- Nick Tong - Also known Angry Chinese Kid, Leopold's fightfriend.
- Liao Tong - Nick's father and Harold's fightfriend.
Fadi Family[]
- Ahmed Fadi - Also known Angry Arabic Kid, Leopold's evilfriend.
- Reem Fadi - Ahmed's father and Harold's evilfriend.
Baca Family[]
- Omer Baca - Also known Angry Turkish Kid, Leopold's 2nd evilfriend.
- Savas Baca - Omer's father and Harold's 2nd evilfriend.
Leopold's Friends[]
- Sam Larson - The main Deuteragonist and Jake's friend.
- Michael - Leopold and Jake's rivalfriend.
- Jimmy - Leopold and Jake's 2nd rivalfriend.
- Mrs. Sukscox - Leopold's english teacher.
- Mr. Stevenson - Leopold's new teacher.
- Principal Diknoz - Leopold's principal.
- Principal Lixadik - Leopold's new teacher.
- Adolf Hitler - Leopold's rival.
- Hermann Fegelein - Hitler's best friend.
AGK Makers[]
- Noah Riegel - from the Atarster's AGK Series, Leopold's best friend.
- Catherine - Mary's best friend.
- Stephen Quire - Leopold's rivalfriend.
- Justin Bieber - Leopold's antri-rival.
- Angry Video Game Nerd - Leopold's mascot.
The Angry Sulu Kid Show / The ASK Show[]
- ASK goes to School
- ASK babysits Bob brother
The Angry Arabic Kid Show / The AAK Show[]
- AAK goes to School