"The year, 1994. Once again the invitations to the Battle Warriors find their ways to the world's most wicked warriors. But the patron of this little party remains unknown. It cannot be Mehmet Ali Birand, nor can it be Seda Öğretir. So who could they be from...? Among all the hopes and doubts, the legendary superstars of the Battle world begin to form their mighty teams. What type of battle with these magnificent Warriors sure to go down in history show us?? The voltage of the fan's excitement reaches a fevered pitch as the tournament finally approaches its beginning."
Hüsnü Çoban, an influential black market weapons and drugs dealer bored of the lack of competition, sent out 24 invitations to certain individuals around the world. Eight teams had entered, each representing a different country.
At the tournament's conclusion, Canicala, Hüsnü's personal secretary, invited the Heroes team to fight their final match within Turkey. It is there when Hüsnü revealed the true purpose of his tournament: defeat the winning team and add them to his grisly collection of previous challengers. Leopold sees his defeated girlfriend there and decides to avenge him. As Hüsnü is finally beaten, he triggers the self-destruct mechanism on his ship. The team escapes and reflects on their victory.