Angry German Kid Wiki
Angry German Kid Wiki

Mbox important

"This is a quote example." - Author

This article is a stub, meaning that it doesn't contain enough information to meet the wiki's quality standards. Go and press the edit button so you can help expanding the page.


under construction
"This is a quote example." - Author

The following article is under construction. Feel free to contribute to it!

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Mbox important

citations or proof needed
"This is a quote example." - Author

This article page lacks citations.
Most statements in this article are not backed by legit materials such as YouTube videos or web pages. Without these users may suspect the truthfulness of the statements. Information which is not backed by any legit materials for too long will be deleted.

Reason: The citation isn't linking to anything or the link is broken.

Recommended Character

underknown character
"This is a quote example." - Author

This character is not popular or recognized in the parody universe.
Because it didn't appear frequently in other series or didn't have an actual appearance in the Angry German Kid parody universe. These type of characters are considered unpopular.

If you think your character appeared in other series as well, make sure to link a source and a popular series on this page to prove it.

Shafika Prosowski Also known as the Angry Guyanese Kid (AGuyK), is a Guyanese computer player. He was inspired by Angry German Kid and Angry Dominican Kid.


He has big hair with a Naruto headband, A LazyTown T-Shirt with a grey jacket, Short Pants, and Glasses.

