Angry German Kid Wiki
Angry German Kid Wiki

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"This is a quote example." - Author

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Recommended Character

underknown character
"This is a quote example." - Author

This character is not popular or recognized in the parody universe.
Because it didn't appear frequently in other series or didn't have an actual appearance in the Angry German Kid parody universe. These type of characters are considered unpopular.

If you think your character appeared in other series as well, make sure to link a source and a popular series on this page to prove it.

in season 10 episode 10 of Shiyamasaleem's AGK series, he was being Harold and his friends' bully and a mortal ememy so Leopold and his friends and his grandpa taught him a lesson to stop bullying and hurting people. Then he got arrested by Officer Murphy.

He is voiced by Shiyamasaleem.

He'll be appearing again in AGK movies and seasons in the future.

He's an evil man.


  • Punching
  • Bullying
  • Beating people up





Family Guy - The Jetsons

Original Video of George Jetson (Family Guy)/Damien Slikk