Harry Slikk is a member of the Slikk family. He was born on Berlin, Germany. He likes being good with Leopold, Leonard, Leonidas, and Leorich.
- Playing Videogames on the computer, and Wii U (Mostly Super Mario Maker)
- Having Pizza
- Watching Regular Show
- Watching PewDiePie and Markiplier
- God
- Installing viruses in the computers of his brothers
- Sonic.exe
- Adolf Hitler
- Being hacked online
- Aliens
- Demons
- Justin Bieber
- Harold Slikk
- Mary Slikk
Favorite Videogames
- Super Mario Maker
- Team Fortress 2
- Undertale
- Minecraft
- GTA 5
- God of War
- Super Mario Bros X
Harry Slikk's Voice
Harry Slikk's Voice can be downloaded in here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/w6977r5797nu925/Harry+Slikk+Voice.wav