Angry German Kid Wiki
Angry German Kid Wiki

Hurricane German Kid is a superhero version of Leopold Slikk. He appears in pauladrian360 Angry German Kid Series in the episodes "The Exorcist" and "Hitler's Domination".


Pauladrian360 Angry German Kid Series[]

He makes a debut in the second part of the episode "The Exorcist". His powers were used to defeat the Exorcist and save the team. He also used his powers in the episode "Hitler's Domination" for flying only but didn't use his superpowers. He later stops using it in the next episode.


Hurricane German Kid has the ability to perform Strong Wind by blowing, Sonic Scream and Optic Blast. Later he's no longer using this when he was in the Future.



  • He is a parody of a professional wrestler "The Hurricane".
  • In the episode "The Exorcist" Leopold was able to speak English during his conversation with the Exorcist.
  • This is the first appearance of Leopold as a Superhero.