Angry German Kid Wiki
Angry German Kid Wiki

IG86 is an AGK parodist since September 2015 from Poland. He was inspired by a YouTuber named Arczi008TV. His parodies are in English, but also with some Polish ones.


  • Leopold Slikk - The main protagonist. He's 12 years old.
  • Harold Slikk - Leopold's dad. He's 38 years old.
  • Leonard Slikk - Leopold's brother. He's 6 years old.
  • Adolf Hitler - Leopold's grandfather. Unknown age.
  • Mary Slikk - Leopold's mom. She's 39 years old.
  • Grażyna Slikk - Leopold's grandmother
  • Patryk Dąbrowski - Leopold's friend.
  • Dzieci Neo (Neo Kids) - Leopold's enemies.


In English[]

In Polish[]

  1. The Leopold Shorts 1 - Porno
  2. Leopold instaluje Windows 95 (Leopold installs Windows 95)
  3. Leopold i nowe problemy (Leopold and new problems)
  4. Leopold vs skkf (1)
  5. Leopold vs skkf (2)
  6. Leopold vs skkf (3)
  7. Leopold vs skkf 4 KONIEC (THE END)
  8. Leopold cofnął się w czasie (Leopold went back in time)
  9. Leopold vs skkf - DZIEŃ SĄDU (JUDGMENT DAY)
  10. Jakiś pojebany film o Leopoldzie (Some fucked up movies about Leopold)
  11. Leopold ogląda username 666 (Leopold watches username 666)
  12. Leopold instaluje Windows 10 (Leopold installs Windows 10)

Problemy Leopolda[]

Season 1
Season 2
Season 3


  • His nickname comes from a robot in Star Wars.
  • He types really fast.
  • He's making his parodies with Camtasia Studio 8 and Windows Movie Maker.
  • He's making mods for GTA III and GTA San Andreas.