jcilley97's AGK series revolves around the main protagonist: Leopold Slikk (Angry German Kid, Keyboard Crusher, Der Echter Gangster). It follows Leopold in his adventures. All this information has been read, edited and confirmed by jcilley97.
Leopold's House: This is where most of the actions in the series happen.
Leopold's 2nd School: This is where AGK gets assignments and for the most part doesn't behave properly; swearing, yelling and writing very bad reports. In Episode 31, Leopold gets frustrated because Leopold left High School after summer school and plans to go to college, but doesn't like it, Due to Mr. Kleinle and Mr. Stevenson not wanting him in school anymore.
Mental School: This is where AGK went because of mental issues and for being expelled at his first high school.
The Prison: This is where AGK stays for life after getting revenge on the first school he got expelled from, but luckilly, he broke out of prison, and not one person caught him. In Angry German Kid vs Illegal Downloading, he was supposed to stay there for five years, but luckily, escaped again with no one catching him.
Military School: This is where Leopold goes when he gets expelled from his second school. But luckily after Sgt. Hartman from Full Metal Jacket slandered Leopold, Leopold escaped, and no one caught him.
Pizza Hut: Leopold goes there in Episode 12 and Episode 37 and did not get what he wanted for food.
McDonalds: Leopold goes there in episode 20. And once again didn't get what he wanted.
Leopold's 1st School: - Hamburg Germany High School: Leopold goes there in Episode 2, The class was about to read "Swiss Family Robinson" but Leopold does not want to do the assignment, yelling, cursing, telling the teacher to shut up, and proceeded to instruct the teacher to suck his d**k, The teacher sends Leopold to the Principal's Office, then the principal expels Leopold from this school, and telling his parents, and she calls him "#1 most disrespectful as well as the worst student ever" In Episode 31, Leopold gets upset due to him having to leave the classroom because Mr. Klienle wants to send him to summer school. Mr. Klienle also says the same quote above.
His neighbor's Garage: Leopold goes there in Episode 27 because in Episode 26, he got suspended from school for 4 days, and his neighbor was planning to take down their fence. Unfortunately, his neighbor does tear the fence down, and his parents punished him to get a job if he didn't pay them. Leopold kills his neighbors in Episode 27. As his parents and Leopold call them the "Looney Neighbors" or "Crazy Neighbors"
Leopold's Job: - McDonalds: He goes to work there because his neighbors took down his parent's property markers and fence down, without their permission and blames Leopold. In Episode 32, Leopold works there again to make some extra money . He gets fired because of customers complaining they weren't getting their order. One person leaves and goes to Burger King instead. Then Big Smoke orders his "huge Cluckin' Bell order and leaves, then Stephen comes and gives Leopold a hard time. Leopold gets fired for this and kicked out of every McDonalds forever.
Leopold's Grandmother's House: Leopold goes there for his parents birthday On July 4th. His parents were both born on July 4th 1976. Leopold gets frustrated because Leopold left High School after summer school and plans to go to college, but doesn't like it, Due to Mr. Kleinle and Mr. Stevenson not wanting him there. Fun fact: Angry German Kid's Grandparents' Home is based off of jcilley97's real Grandparents' Home. A lot of his designs are based off of late 1960s-early 1970s homes, and Habitat for Humanity 1994+ homes.
Leopold- The protagonist in the series, he mainly plays Unreal Tournament and fails at school. He uses his keyboard as his weapon of choice and his dad and brother hate him.
AGK's Dad- His name is Harold, he constantly beats Leopold and gets angry at him.
AGK's Mother- Mary Slikk, she constantly can ground Leopold if he is not behaving, but nothing else worth mentioning.
AGK's little brother- Leonard, he constantly annoys Leopold during the series. Sometimes he likes girly things like watching Dora the Explorer.
AGK's former Principal - Hitler, he is the principal who met Leopold, when Leopold first came to the second high school, where he first got suspended for 4 days in episode 7. In episode 21, Leopold got expelled again.
AGK'S former Dean - Dean Diknoz, He met Leopold in Episode 35, Angry German Kid Goes to College, he expels him, and his mother gave up finding him a school, then gets Homeschooled.
AGK's former Professor - Professor Sukscox, She didn't really do much, except for asking Leopold to do an essay, he refused to do it, then got sent to Dean Diknoz's office where he got expelled.
AGK's former Teacher - Mr. Malcolm, He is the teacher who met Leopold, when Leopold first came to the second high school, Mr. Malcom sent him to Principal Hitler's office, and he got suspended for 4 days in episode 7. He got expelled again in episode 21. Sgt. Hartman - Leopold's drill instructor in episode 23 as a result of getting expelled from his second high school.
AGK's former Principal - Mr. Kleinele (Antenna Man), first met Leopold after he got expelled in episode 21. In episode 26, Leopold goes back to school, again and he suspends Leopold for not wanting to read Uncle Remus stories, due to Mr. Stevenson wanting racial equality, Leopold disagrees, and he says the stories are racist. In Episode 31, Leopold gets upset because Mr. Kleinle wants to send him to summer school. However, this was temporary as the teachers didn't like him, so he placed him in college.
AGK's former Teacher - Mr. Stevenson, first met Leopold in the Mental School in episode 3, AGK goes to the mental school. They meet again because he retired being a mental school Teacher and became a government schoolteacher for public academic schools. First, in episode 3, he tells Leopold to go to the principal's office to "get a beating" and Leopold doesn't like that. In episode 26, Leopold gets mad due to not wanting to read Uncle Remus stories, due to Mr. Stevenson wanting racial equality, Leopold disagrees, and he says the stories are racist. He gets suspended for 2 days. In the Episode Angry German Kid Gets Detention, he basically gets detention. In Episode 29, Leopold gets suspended for one month due to "inappropriate behavior." In Episode 31, Leopold gets upset due to him having to leave the classroom because Mr. Kleinle wants to send him to summer school. However, this was temporary as the teachers didn't like him, so he placed him in college.
Random Prison guard - In Episode 19, after he gets taken to prison, He tells Leopold to grow up because he is "14 years old" and tells him that he has to sit in the chair to calm down. Instead the chair shocks him, it explodes and Leopold escaped while "Weird Al" Yankovic's Don't Download This Song starts playing and he escapes and doesn't get caught.
Judge Cocky (Formerly Judge f*gg*t), is Leopold's Judge in AGK VS Illegal Downloading, Part 2.
Stephen Quire, Leopold hears Stephen yelling "SHUT UP!!!" while he got punished by Mr. Kleinele. In Episode 33, Angry German Kid Works At McDonalds. Leopold and Stephen started arguing and Leopold got fired and banned from every McDonalds location forever
Big Smoke, In Episode 32, He asks Leopold for his big Cluckin' Bell order and Leopold is offended by this and says, "This isn't Cluckin' Bell".
jcilley97 (Character), He was bullied and trolled for various events, mainly for getting his head dragged up the stairs by his feet by his principal at the school district he was from. (l, then gets placed, then tolerates a bunch of Criminals, then has "Relationship issues" gets charged with stalking, even though she was crazy and threatened very evil, indecent, profane, and obscene things about him. She wins the court case because no one believed him, then goes back to his regular High School, gets bullied for various reasons, and freaks out. He only had one friend. She goes by the username of PixieSxlt, she hung out with him one time, and she said she wanted to hang out with him, but decides to hang out with her friends instead, jcilley97 asks, "why wasn't I invited.": then she ghosts him and wonders why. She just says, "I am busy." He also gets trolled for talking about this, gets banned on multiple platforms due to trolls, not liking what he says. Then, the last three years, his grandparents passed away, He mentioned it in two videos. In between that time, his Neighbors tore down a falling barn, Steals the property markers, and vandalizes his parents' fence. Fun fact: the barn incident, gets parodied, in Episodes 26-27. The series is basically how jcilley97 lives his life and put his anger issues into Leopold's character. This is seen various times throughout the series. He mentions hints of a lot of this in multiple videos on his channel.
jcilley97's Parents (censored), They visited Germany after jcilley97 gets mad for upsetting Leopold. Then at the end describing the story mentioned above, labeled as, 24 Hours Later, because of how jcilley97 talks about it and saying, "And that's, how it all happened." because he talks a lot. The become friends in the end of the episode.
Season 1:[]
1. Angry German Kid Gets a Pet
2. Angry German Kid Goes to School
3. Angry German Kid Goes to the Mental School
4. Angry German Kid Gets Revenge on His School
5. Angry German Kid Goes to Prison
6. Angry German Kid Breaks Out of Prison
7. Angry German Kid Goes to a New School and Takes a Math Test
8. Angry German Kid's Good Dream
9. Angry German Kid's Little Brother, Leonard
10. Angry German Kid Takes a Spelling Test
Season 2[]
11. Angry German Kid Goes to Romania
12. Angry German Kid Goes to Pizza Hut
13. Angry German Kid Watches Mr.Diablolord Rants
14. Angry German Kid Gets Revenge on His Dad
15. Angry German Kid's Dad Returns
16. Angry German Kid Sees Himself On YouTube
17-19. Angry German Kid vs. Illegal Downloading
20. Angry German Kid Goes to McDonald's
Season 3:[]
21. Angry German Kid Gets Expelled From School
22. Angry German Kid's Christmas
23. Angry German Kid Goes to Military School
24. Angry German Kid's Thanksgiving
25. Angry German Kid Goes to KFC
Season 4:[]
26. Angry German Kid Goes To A New School...Again?
27. Angry German Kid Gets A Job
28: Angry German Kid Gets Detention
29-30: Angry German Kid VS Freakout Kid
Season 5:[]
31: Angry German Kid Goes To Summer School
32: Angry German Kid Works At McDonalds
33: Angry German Kid And The Thunderstorm
34: Angry German Kid's Parents Birthday
35: Angry German Kid Goes to College
36: Angry German Kid Meets jcilley97
37: Angry German Kid Steals A Car