Angry German Kid Wiki
Angry German Kid Wiki

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"This is a quote example." - Author

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Mark Slikk (or Markus Slikk) is character that appears in Silver Panther 2000's AGK series.

In Silver Panther 2000's AGK series, he is Leopold, Leonard, Leorich, Leo, and Stefan's older brother, and Leonidas's younger brother. He is planned to appear in episode 5, 6, 9, 14, 19, 20, and more. Mark is also planned to get a origin story, sometime before episode 5.


Silver Panther 2000's AGK Series

Mark is the 2nd oldest son of Harold, and Mary Slikk.


What Mark likes

  • Guns
  • Blades
  • His brothers (Leopold, Leorich, Leo, and Stefan)
  • Movies with blood, and gore.
  • Mugen
  • Mortal Kombat
  • GTA 5
  • Danganronpa

What Mark hates

  • His Parents
  • When he is insulted
  • Justin Bieber
  • Leonard, and Leonidas
  • Adolf Hitler
  • When his PC is slow
  • Stephen Quire


  • He acts almost like Leopold.
  • His favorite color is orange, which explains why he wears orange.
  • Unlike his brothers, he throws his keyboards out the window, then throws a rock at it.
  • He owns two stock pistols, two katanas, a shotgun, and a box of ammo.
  • He sometimes has acts similar to Deadpool.
  • Mark is one of Silver Panther 2000's oldest OCs he has ever made.
  • Mark's name originally was "Ronald Slikk." His name was changed since Ronald Ramirez is in Silver Panther 2000's AGK Series, and people would confuse him to Ronald Ramirez.
  • He was raised by gangsters.