Rei Batako Sakuma (also known as Ms. Batako, Batako-san and バタコさん) is a character who appears in TheLuigi755's AGK series.
Batako-san is the depute head teacher of the Yokohama School for Non-Japanese Students, alongside the main principal, Mr. Jamu. However, Ms. Batako is seen much more often in the principal's office than Jamu.
Batako also does many other jobs around the school, such as teaching a class of her own (for the last half of the Senior class' day), serving food in the school cafeteria, and appearing at the Anpanman Children's Museum and Mall (directly adjacent to the YSNJS). She also has weekend jobs at the Anpanman Museum, LeoSlikk Motorsports (Leopold Slikk's racing team) and Jam-Ojisan's Bakery.
Batako owns a pet dog named Cheese.
Batako-san was appointed by TheLuigi755 as a main character in his AGK series, and made her first appearance in The AGK's Academic Anomaly.