Principal Robert Lixadik (IPA: [lɪksədɪk]) is Leopold's new principal in episode 67 of AngryGermanKid82's Angry German Kid Series. After Leopold is sent to his office by Mr. Stevenson for his terrible writing on his goals for the school year, he suspended Leopold on his first day of his new school. Leopold called him a pedophile (which he possibly is) in Angry German Kid Babysits His Brothers Part I. Leopold Makes fun of his name because of the pronunctiation of Mr.Lixadik's name sounds like licks a d*ck.
- In episode 72, he and Mr. Stevenson were watching a funny video until the Terminator Robot Principal Diknoz comes into the room, only to be kicked out by Lixadik and Stevenson.
- Principal Lixadik seems to be nicer and funny in the series.
- His voice is played by Microsoft Sam.