This is the fan-made sequel story arc of the Mighty Magiswords story arc of Hoppus created by GeneBernardinoLawl.
Animated version[]
- The Angry German Kid Show NEXT episode "Farewell, Gene."
- The Angry German Kid Show NEXT episode "The Mutant Rabbit Warrior's Sadness"
- The Angry German Kid Show NEXT episode "The Lost Garlic Magisword of the Germany"
- The Angry German Kid Show NEXT episode "Finding Danelda The Bunny"
- The Angry German Kid Show NEXT episode "The Revival of DePrESsEd RaBbIt"
- The Angry German Kid Show NEXT episode "Jeseca Rabswell"
- The Angry German Kid Show NEXT episode "The New Place Looks Like Hoppus' Hometown"
- The Angry German Kid Show NEXT episode "Sparky's Revenge"
- The Angry German Kid Show NEXT episode "The One Last Enemy"
Comic version / Parallel Universe[]
- The Angry German Kid Show NEXT comic "Poor Little Bunny"
- The Angry German Kid Show NEXT comic "The One Last Enemy"