This is the script for the 4th episode of The Angry German Kid Show Extra written by GeneBernardinoLawl and AGKandRockman2001, and created by GeneBernardinoLawl.
Entire script[]
The Angry German Kid Show Extra Intro
Leopold: Alright, computer! I want to play UT! Right now!
Computer: You got mail!
Leopold: Let's see who sent me a mail.
From: (address censored)
Hey there, Leopold! How are you doing?
Anyway, I just got some exciting news for you! Remember when I shared with you the trailer of my AGK series? Well, I just found out there's a fourth season of High School DXD being announced.
A trailer of it has just been uploaded on October 22nd, 2017. Here's the link to it: [1]
Leopold: *hyperventilates* *yells in excitement* It's about time! Ja!
Harold: Leopold, what's up with you screaming like a banshee?!
Leopold: Nothing, dad. Just got a little excited over anime.
Harold: Alright.
Leopold: Now, time to tell Gene & Jake about this.
More will be written soon...