Tunak Tunak Tun (Punjabi: ਤੁਣਕ ਤੁਣਕ ਤੁਣ) is a bhangra/pop love song by Indian artist Daler Mehndi released in 1998. In many AGK parodies, Leopold hates this song. There is also a clone of Daler Mehndi with the same name Tunak Tunak Tun that appear in select Angry German Kid series and parodies.
RobertChamp's AGK Series[]
They are members of the Gang Of Seven, can be seen to drive a Hummer H3.
TheKewlOne96's Angry German Kid Series[]
They are killed by Harold Slikk in Movie 1 of The Angry German Kid Movie.
ikemash97's Angry German Kid Series[]
Harold plays the music to Leopold to snap him out of a drug-induced insanity in Episode #3.
Pauladrian360's Angry German Kid Series[]
In his series, Marc Clark loves this music.
NathanDesignerBoy7's Angry German Kid Series[]
In episode 16, Tunak Tunak Tun plays for the rest of the time in a romanian live concert. He rants the whole time.
Videoman1443's Angry German Kid Series[]
in some episodes, Leopold listens to it during a live concert and hates it. In episode 69, his parents played this song as a punishment.
AGKFan640's AGK Series[]
In episode 10, Leopold listens to it on his Computer and hates it. In episode 16, his phone was ringing and he pressed the button to stop it. Then, he tried to listen it on his iPod. In AGK's Vacation Videos, Leopold listens to it during a live concert and hates it. In episode 167, a contact called him on Skype, revealing that it was Tunak Tunak Tun that annoyed him.