Rex the Dark Hunter, formerly known as xx4REXDARKHUNTER4xx, is a AGK parodist who also makes other entertainments. Due to him outgrowing AGK and wanting to move on from the community, he retired from making AGK videos. He still produces other types of content that isn't AGK related.
- Leopold Slikk
- Harold Slikk
- Xena Indermon
- Leonard Slikk
- Leonidas Slikk
- LH Michael
- Jake Randolf
- Grandoff Terranson
- Principal Dickhead
- Spencer Fernzich
- Ronald Ramirez
- Sgt. Hartman
- SammyClassicSonicFan
- Adolf Hitler
- Manny Calavera
- Nathan Robinson
- Bertrum Slikk -
- King Harkinian
- Stephen Quire
- Leondra Slikk
- Benny Slikk
- Jessi Slaughter
- Caleb
- Lara Croft
- Tchernobog
- Mr. Ralistan
- Principal Assface
Season 1[]
- Player Tekkit
- Angry German Kid gets a bunch of Glitchy Screens
- Player Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
- First Day of School
- Second Day of School
- Angry German Kid plots to spy on LH Michael
- Angry German Kid joins the Military
- Angry German Kid meets Jake
- Leonidas and Leopold
- LH Michael Returns (Season 1 Finale)
Season 2[]
- Angry German Kid meets SammyClassicSonicFan
- Angry German Kid visits User666
- School Returns...
- Leopold's Birthday
- Angry German Kid's Substitute Teacher(got taken down due to copyright, however in one of my videos you can read the story)
- Angry German Kid gets Detention
- Angry German Kid meets SammyClassicSonicFan again
- Angry German Kid vs His Grandpa
- Angry German Kid gets kidnapped.
- Angry German Kid gets Detention again.
- Leopold does drugs
- Angry German Kid plays Knuckles.exe
- Angry German Kid takes his First Exam
- Angry German Kid vs Stephen Quire
- Angry German Kid Thanksgiving 2014 Special
- Angry German Kid watches Jessi Slaughter
- Angry German Kid babysits his Brother
- Hitler's Revenge Part 1
- Hitler's Revenge Part 2
- Hitler's Revenge Part 3
Season 3[]
- Angry German Kid gets stuck in the bathroom
- Angry German Kid plays Imscared
- Angry German Kid goes to a Casino
- Angry German Kid goes to Jail
- Angry German Kid in WWI
- Angry German Kid vs Tchernobog
- Angry German Kid finds out his Dad's Youtube
- Angry German Kid's Final Exam
- Angry German Kid watches Suicidemouse.avi(suggested by Connor Marini)
- Angry German Kid calls Disney
- Angry German Kid watches himself on YouTube
- Angry German Kid vs. The Zombie Goliath
- Angry German Kid's New School
- Angry German Kid's Nightmare
- Angry German Kid cuts School
- Angry German Kid plays Flash Version of Portal
- Angry German Kid plays by AlchemistArea)
- Angry German Kid gets sick
- Angry German Kid plays CS:GO(suggested by AlchemistArea)
- Finale